Below are some specific ministries that come under the heading of SJC Cares. If you feel called to any of these please contact us. The blessings that you will receive in this ministry will far surpass the time you will spend. To activate any of the ministries for yourself or a loved one: call the church office 910-762-5273 or email here.
Hospitalizations/Surgeries Prayer and visits related to planned or unplanned hospital stays and surgeries. Advance notice for scheduled surgeries is appreciated.
Communion Volunteers take communion to those who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to attend worship services.
Prayer List This list is prayed over several times throughout the week. New names are read aloud at Sunday worship services.
Prayer Chain A group that prays for the needs and concerns of members and friends in the SJC community. Once a prayer request is received, it is quickly communicated through the prayer chain.
Intercessory Prayer and Prayer Group Intercessory prayer is available in the side chapel following communion at most worship services. Each Tuesday morning at 10:15 the SJC prayer group gathers to pray for the needs of those on the prayer list and others as requested.
Cards and Calls Cards and phone calls are provided to those in care facilities, home bound or with other needs.
Prayer Shawl Team Shawls are made by members, blessed at the altar and are then available to those in need from aging members to new moms.
Meals Each bag contains a variety of individual frozen meals for each night of the week.
Altar Flowers Altar flowers are available to brighten the home or room of those in need. Visits Visits from clergy or care team members can be arranged on a regular or as needed basis.