Nominations are now open for Vestry Elections
Members of the congregation may nominate themselves or another member as a potential vestry candidate. November 22 - Nominations Close Clergy, Sr. and Jr. Wardens vet nominees for qualifications. Photo and bio of nominees due. December Vestry Meeting Vestry Elects Slate of candidates from nominations received and vetted. December 20 Slate/bios are published January 2025 - New vestry members are elected |
St John's By-Laws set the minimum qualifications to serve on Vestry:
1. Must be a Member of St. John's - that is must have received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and whose baptism has been duly recorded in any Protestant Episcopal Church in the Anglican Communion; 2. Must be a Communicant - that is a member who has received Holy Communion in this Church at least 3 times during the preceding year; 3. Must be a Communicant in Good Standing - that is a communicant who for the last year have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and been faithful in working, praying and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God. |