Jim Bauer I was born in 1963 and raised in Denver, Colorado. I grew up attending Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. I was always involved in sports which would later define my work ethic and character. I was very involved with my youth group and some of my best memories included backpacking in the Rockies with my church. I started working in construction at the age of sixteen after school and during the summer. After high school I started working immediately. My career in construction included concrete, framing, siding, drywall, swimming pools, and much more. I landed with a cabinet company that built hardwood lockers for country clubs and athletic clubs. I traveled across the United States and abroad to Japan and London installing cabinets. This was quite the experience and opened my eyes to a different world to a young man growing up. At 28 years old my company moved its operation to Greensboro N.C. This is where I met a wonderful southern woman named Janna and boy did I get lucky! A man from Denver Colorado was on a crash course into the world of southern living. Nascar, ACC basketball and collards to name a few. She pursued a job in Wilmington, and I chased her down to the coast. We married and had three children: Kelby, Haydn, and Kendall. I started a job with a kitchen cabinet company Markraft Cabinets. I obtained my general contractors license and specialized in remodeling. I was a member of a Lutheran church in Wilmington where I served on the church council. Looking for a change I joined St Johns about 3 years ago. I love my new church and the relations with new members I have met. The vision of this church is dynamic and exciting, and I hope to contribute in the most positive way. I thank God for this opportunity, and I am blessed to be part of St Johns.
Amanda D’Angelo Amanda grew up in Eastern North Carolina and has always felt a connection to the Wilmington area. She has fond memories of trips to Wilmington as a child. In 2013 she was delighted to move here with her family. She and her husband, Mike, found St. John’s through the virtual worship experience in 2022. As parents of three young children, they were impressed by the focus on children and families. Amanda has a strong connection to the performing arts. One of her favorite quotes comes from Les Miserables: “to love another person is to see the face of God.” She believes our love for one another is our clearest picture of God’s love for us. St. John’s is a community where she has felt that love and connection to others, which has helped strengthen her faith. Amanda has worked as a psychologist in private practice for over nine years in Wilmington. As a clinician and small business owner she is passionate about promoting healthy individuals, families, and communities. She is a member of various local and national psychological and professional organizations. She has also served on the board of directors at her children’s school.
Helen Mirkil Five years ago, my husband Brian Peterson and I relocated from the Philadelphia suburbs to Wilmington, where my two sons are working and living with their families. We have six grandchildren here, ages nine to twenty-one, and so when we moved, we’d been visiting Wilmington for almost twenty years. As my husband’s health continued to decline, we had to consider skilled nursing for his advancing Parkinson’s symptoms and found that the Davis Community was the right option. It was a difficult transition but trust in the Lord has great rewards, and Brian is doing well there. Being a part of the congregation of SJC has been a real blessing. The energetic Christ-centered leadership of Pastor Eric filters through all aspects of church life. Participating in Alpha has strengthened my faith. And every other Wednesday I look forward to gathering over breakfast with our church book-study group. We discuss books dealing with subjects such as forgiveness. I also serve as a lay reader, something I’ve participated in for almost forty years. I’m an artist and poet. And I love spending time with my grandchildren. It’s fun to work with them in my studio and also be able to see their sports and musical events. I enjoy nature walks, listening to music, singing, dancing, swimming, creative brainstorming, and spending time with Brian. My favorite online production to watch is the series “The Chosen,” where the Gospels are expressed beautifully and with utmost care.
Kyle Rhodes Kyle was born in 1962 and was raised in Mooresville, North Carolina. He was confirmed St Mark’s Episcopal Church Mount Holly NC in the fall 1974. He served as an acolyte for 10 years. Kyle graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as and undergraduate in 1984 and again from graduate school in 1988. In 1989 he married his wife Ann and they have two children: Evan and Blythe and one grandson, Brooks. He has been employed at Glen Meade Center for Women’s Health in Wilmington since 1992. Kyle’s hobbies include boating, playing with Sable our chocolate lab, and folk music.